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S.N. Das Art And Cultural Trust Organized an Art Competition Sponsored by Polo Company 2015

The S.N. Das Art & Cultural Trust is a Non-Government Organization in India; it is located in Kalyani, Rathtala, West Bengal. The first school of , S.N. Das Art & Cultural Society Kalyani, Rathtala, was established in 1994. Then, the S.N. Das Art & Cultural Trust was connected and registered to the Non-Profit Organization in 2015.

Our motive is to spread art activities all over the India and develop art and cultural knowledge. Art is a medium where everyone can flow and play with colours.

In 2015 ,'Polo Company' sponsored and we arranged an art competition.  S. N. Das Art and Cultural Trust wanted to do creative things for native land ,so we arranged a competition for Nodia district and 24 parganas(N) students. Students were very excited by that news and almost 500 students were participated in this competition. S.N.Das Art and Cultural Trust had the first step  for success,that was a great opportunity for us.

S.N.Das Art and Cultural Trust planned many competitions, workshops etc. Still we are working ,we will search and bring new creative things for the students. 'we' ,'S.N.Das Art and Cultural Trust ' members hope that  good things will come for students.

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